work Protein Function Prediction using LoRA-Relational Graph Neural Networks and Multi-Task Learning Using multi-task and relational graph neural networks to predict protein function. CURIS Research My CURIS summer research on Model-based Autonomous Reinforcement Learning, advised by Archit Sharma and Prof. Chelsea Finn. Nvidia Machine Learning Research My internship research on Neural Machine Translation Distillation. Faster Adaptation for Decoupled Exploration and Exploitation CS330 (Deep Multi-Task & Meta-Learning) Final Project Deep Reinforcement Learning for Market Making Under a Hawkes Process-Based Limit Order Book Model Exposition of MM under a Hawkes process-based LOB. On the Algebro-Geometric Analysis of Meromorphic (1,0)-forms My research on the theory of meromorphic (1,0)-forms. The Existence of Infinitely Many Geometrically Distinct Non-Constant Prime Closed Geodesics on Riemannian Manifolds My research in algebraic topology and differential geometry for the Science Talent Search. On the Time Evolution of Ricci Scalar Curvature in the Late Epoch for a Lambda-CDM-Parameterized Universe Investigating the primordial Ricci-scalar curvature of a Lambda-CDM universe. The Lagrangian Mechanics and Pseudo-Periodicity of The Many-Body Planar Pendulum System My physics research, studying the Lagrangian mechanics of a many-body pendulum. LNAS-Lottery Ticket Neural Architecture Search Research on method that combines Neural Architecture Search (NAS) and the lottery ticket hypothesis. LAMANAS-Loss Agnostic and Model Agnostic Meta Neural Architecture Search for Few-Shot Learning Research on a novel neural architecture search method that is loss and model agnostic. Quant-Noisier-Second-Order Quantization Noise CS224N research project on using a variable quantization noise rate to learn robustness to inference-time quantization. An Exposition of the Arzèla-Ascoli Theorem Exposition of the Arzèla-Ascoli Theorem completed for Math 171. Paper Summary-Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes An exposition of Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs). side-projects